Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarites, Differences, and Judgement

Please! Share with me your thoughts on my dancing.


  1. We are similiar because we both deeply admire the monarchy though you are a perfoming artisit, I am simply a writer. I deeply respect you.

  2. Thank you very much! I fancy your writing as well!

  3. Hello, my name is Aphra Behn, and I am a successful female play write. I noticed that you grew up with a lot of artistic influence from your close relatives, so I understand how easy it was for you to immerse yourself in your craft. I am very much the same when it comes to immersing myself in my profession, even though I did not have nearly as much artistic influence as a child.

  4. Similarities: We both came from families who were into music.
    Differences: You grew up to be a dancer while I played the violin and composed music.
    Judgements: You're artifacts provide good information that help to describe who you are in the time that you lived.

  5. Congratulazioni, for being known as a pioniere in dance! You are definitely an inspiration to many throughout history. Despite our differing careers and social statuses; I know that things like famiglia and passione for a craft are still as much a part of you as they are of me. I can see that you are also someone who appreciates the support of a loving famiglia. If it weren't for i miei genitori, Dio knows in what direction my life may have lead. It has been un piacere, signore!

  6. Your an exceptional artist! Same as I! We both share that! I love your work your a great dancer and performer and I look forward to talking to you more! Another similarity is that we both performed for royalty. Some differences are that we have is that you are a dancer and you were born to be one!

  7. Ciao Pierre! We have many things in common, we both are ballet dancers and we are both raised during the enlightment! I think our main differences are that you are from France and you are a male. Where I am from Italia and I am a female! A judgement I have to make is that I'm impressed by how magnificamente your blog is designed! I hope to meet you in person sometime soon, who knows maybe we could dance together!
